Top 10 Children’s Gifts, Christmas 2022

This year I have put together a Top 10 of favourite Educational Toys, Puzzles and Games that have kept my children entertained and interested well past New Years and for several years after. Tried and tested by my family and we have a version of each of these at home.

Each of these gifts have universal appeal. They can be enjoyed by both children and adults. They have been selected because in as well as being entertaining, each of the following games has helped my children and my students practice, self-regulation skills, logic and reasoning skills and boost IQ.

They are all under £20 and available to purchase from Amazon.

This article contains links to the products, if you make a purchase after clicking on a link, I will receive a small percentage of the sale prices.


Tangrams is an ancient Chinese game that helps build a variety of important STEM skills in children as young as preschool, but also all the way through to teens. A simple concept with powerful, brain growth positive results. Tangrams are a favourite fun game during my tuition lessons and a competitive family pastime. We have a Tangram box with 4 sets so we can play against each other, but that box isn’t being made anymore. This set is the best one I’ve found on the internet and Amazon are selling it. I have included a link Buy here for then wooden version too, as it might be a more appealing present for an older child. The idea is to build up shapes using the tangrams pieces, with no numbers. It allows children to really explore and understand shape, problem solve and challenge preconceptions of what they see on first glance. And it can be mindful and a lot of fun.

Buy here £9.99 from Amazon for a version for younger children or Buy here for £28.99 from Amazon, a more grown up version for older children with up to 2 players.


I love that you can play Banangrams with any level of spelling ability. The aim is use up your letter tiles building up words, using your own grid. Smaller children can get involved with 2 or 3 letter words. Children that find word games challenging because of dyslexia or other processing disorders can find this game easier to get involved in too. It is kinaesthetic and very visual so feels like a game and not learning. The banana shaped bag is the perfect travel size and ours has been around the world with us over the years. We have had some fiercely competitive games as well as silly ones. If you don’t have this, get it this year from Amazon, who are currently running a 20% discount.

Buy here £11.99 from Amazon

Temple Trap

Temple trap from Smart Games is a 3D puzzle that you play against yourself, by solving the maze at increasing stages of difficulty. With 60 stages you won’t be bored. The first couple of stages are good to get kids started as young as 6 and the gradually more difficult stages will occupy even the most logical adults. It is a puzzle that gets teens off their screens. It helps with logic and visuospatial awareness. The moving parts makes it fun for kinaesthetic learners. The compact size makes it great for travel. Another game that has been on many family holidays with us.

Buy here £14.89 from Amazon

Smart Farmer

Another favourite family game from Smart Games. Smart Farmer is a wonderful introduction into logic puzzle games. Although it is for ages 5 and up, it is good for adults and older children who struggle with dyspraxia, problem solving and flexible thinking. I started playing this with my children, as an introduction to Smart Games puzzles. I still use this with some of my primary students as a logic game during our Maths lessons.

Buy here £18.99 from Amazon


We absolutely love Dobble and I have gifted this versatile and popular game to countless others. There are many ways to play it, but essentially it is a more complex and wittier version of snap. Fast reflexes, observational skills and a competitive edge will ensure a win. Youth often triumphs over experience, so watch out adults! I have seen there are themed versions of Dobble now, perfect for those Harry Potter , Marvel , or Minion fans. Comes in a tin, handy for taking on holiday too. No age limit.

Buy Here £9 from Amazon

Brain Box World

We have had the various versions of brain boxes over the years. This World one is really fun. With a little sand timer, each player has to memorise as much of a card as possible and then answer one of the pre-written questions. It is a brilliant way to train visual memory. The facts are either given in pictures or numbers or words. We have played as a family adjusting the timer for the younger members and making the timer run out more quickly for the grown ups. The box is heavy but compact so you can take it travelling too. This game is amazing for learning geography facts and highly entertaining too.

Buy Here £13 from Amazon

3D puzzle rubbers

These 3D puzzles are fantastic stocking fillers. I have one of the 3D cubes on my desk and every single one of my students has asked to take it apart and put it together again. The challenge is as appealing for 6 to 16 year olds. It is a good fidget toy alternative for a pencil case. It is so engaging and distracting that I couldn’t leave it out on the must have fun and educational gift list for 2022!

Buy Here £14.99 from Amazon

IQ puzzler pro

Smart games feature a third time with this family favourite. Their IQ puzzler pro is so fun. It has the added benefit for teaching problem solving, cognitive training and resilience. Small enough to take travelling, we have had hours of entertainment completing up to 120, 2D and 3D challenges. No numbers here, but a fantastic resource for improving skills for maths mastery.

Buy Here £11.95 from Amazon


This traditional Japanese paper folding activity is not just for small kids. With beautiful paper and step by step instructions you can make incredibly intricate objects. Not only is it an art form, the folding requires understanding concepts of mirror lines, parallel lines, shapes, 2D and 3D shapes. The steps require practice and careful folding which builds patience and self regulation. Origami has been a firm favourite activity in our family from the first paper airplanes, 6 sided snowflakes to bearded dragons and leaping frogs. Let your kids learn and teach you or learn alongside them as a mindful, yet secretly educational activity. Kinaesthetic activity, good for kids as young as 6 right up to adulthood.

Buy here £8.99 at Amazon

Rubik’s Cube

No list is complete without the iconic and ever popular Rubik’s cube. A personal favourite of mine from my own childhood, I only learnt how to fully solve it after my 9 year old son showed me how. YouTube has hundreds of step by step guides on how to do it, if you couldn’t do it then, now is your time to shine. This classic puzzle combines maths and science to give you a problem solving challenge with universal appeal. The 3X3 design is the original and if your child doesn’t already have this, give them one this Christmas.

Buy here £12.99

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